Friday, May 1, 2015

Multicultural Resources for Contemporary Diet and Nutrition. Part I

Food Choices

  •  Social pressure influence our food choices, like festive, social occasions and family tradition always revolve around food (Social, 2013).  For example, culture and traditions that repeat at specific times, like Thanksgiving and Easter, often encourage us to eat more than we normally would.  Food has been a good way to show friendship and hospitality.  Other factors that influence food choices are psychological factors, which are based on feelings and emotions (Psychological , 2013). 

  • Geography and agriculture influence our food choices (Contemporary Diet and Nutrition, 2008).  In the warmer climates, people often have easy access to fruits and vegetables year round, which have more nutrients.  In colder regions, people may have food choices influenced by seasons, and in the winter, they have to consume processed and preserved food if less fresh fruits and vegetables are available.
  • Misinformation can lead to unhealthy choices, often-targeting teens, obese people, and athletes.  Teens consume caffeinated energy drinks and snaking a lot from wending machines.  Some overweight people may look for fast fix diets and medication to reduce their weight, which may also lead to side effects.  The six medications the FDA approved for weight loss also have significant side effects.  Many athletes use steroids and supplements to build muscles.  It is very important to be educated and learn nutritional values that when it is comes to food choices people will be emotionally ready. 

 This biligual website have a good source of tips, recipies, and education materials for people with diabetes.  Also, visitors who have problem reading can use a listen tool, which will read for you (Making Healthy Food Choices, 2013).

This website is a good source for schools and parents.  It is give tips and games plans to use for school age kids to keep them healthy and physically active for sixty minute a day (Healthy Food Choices, 2005).

The “European Food Informational Council” website is available in eight languages.  It provides with articles, podcasts and can answer questions related to food safety and healthy lifestyle (Food Choice, 2013).

  •  Underwood, A. (2012). Embrace a New Culture. Prevention , 78-85.
This article talks about good bacteria in the human bodies, and its influence on body health.  The article discusses probiotic food and how it benefits the immune system (Underwood, 2012). 


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