Friday, May 1, 2015

Multicultural Resources for Contemporary Diet and Nutrition. Part II

Genetically Engineered Food

  • The agricultural biotechnology is a breeding techniques or artificial selection, where human decides which trait is desirable, and artificially increases the reproductive success of organisms with this trait (Biotechnology Frequntly Asked Questions, 2013).

  • Some advantages of the GMO food phenomenon are that it may be more efficiently produced and marketed.  Many crops in the U.S. were altered with genetic improvements, because they became resistant to herbicides and some naturally occurring harmful conditions.  Harvested GMO products can often be stored longer than non-GMO products.  Cons of the biotechnology are health concerns and GMO impact on the environment (Philpott, 2012).
  • The Mad Cow Disease possibly originated because of feeding cattle meat-and-bone meal that contained BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) infected products from scrape-infected sheep products (Mad Cow Disease, 2013).  
Biotechnology Frequently Asked Questions.  (2013, May 28).  Retrieved October 19, 2013, from USDA:
USDA website provides a lot of information on GMO foods and explain about polices and regulations (Biotechnology Frequntly Asked Questions, 2013).
Mad Cow Disease. (2013). Retrieved November 15, 2013, from Medicine Net:
The “Medicine Net” website can provide visitors with a basic knowledge of the diseases and prevention (Mad Cow Disease, 2013).
Genetically Modified Food Controversies. (2013). Retrieved October 19, 2013, from Wikipedia:
This website is good source to get information and resources    (Genetically Modified Food Controversies, 2013).
Philpott, T. (2012, September 21). Does GMO Corn Really Cause Tumors in Rats? Retrieved October 19, 2013, from Mother Jones:
This article talks about how GMO food diet was affecting rats’ health (Philpott, 2012).


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