Friday, May 1, 2015

Multicultural Resources for Contemporary Diet and Nutrition. Part IV

The Organic Food Movement
  • Research shows a few differences between organic and conventional foods in the content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins or other nutrient measures.  Research stated that organic food has more phosphorous, higher levels of a type of antioxidant called phenols, and milk and chicken contained more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional products (Organic Not Necessarily Better for You, 2012).  Conventional food shows 30% higher on chemicals than organic food.

  • Factors that have triggered a growth in organic farming are pesticides, fertilizers, and genetically modify organisms (GMO).  The increasing use of chemicals in agriculture has is linked to many pathologies, like cancer and blue baby syndrome.  In addition, chemicals may affect ecosystems, possibly killing eagles, creating "dead zones", and "super bugs" (McLendon, 2010). 
  • A new labeling rule can help consumers indentify an organic food.  Farmers certified by USDA can display a seal of the National Organic Standards Program.  Products labeled as “100% organic”-must consist of only organic ingredients.  Product labeled as “organic” may have up to 95% organic ingredients.  Product labeling as “made with organic ingredients” contain more that 50% of organic ingredients (Contemporary Diet and Nutrition, 2008).    


Organic Not Necessarily Better For You. (2012, September 3). Retrieved October 25, 2013, from News Discovery:

The “News Discovery” website talks about earth, space, human, adventure, and more (Organic Not Necessarily Better For You, 2012).

McLendon, R. (2010, October 8). Is organic food worth the cost? Retrieved November 16, 2013, from Mother Nuture Network:

This website talks about Earth matter, healthy lifestyle, food, green tech and eco-biz money (McLendon, 2010).

Organic. (2013). Retrieved November 16, 2013, from Whole Food Market:

This website teaches about basics of organic foods and organic farming.  (Organic, 2013)

Contemporary Diet and Nutrition.  (2008). Retrieved October 25, 2013, from Kaplan:

This article talks about history and establishing organic food movement (Contemporary Diet and Nutrition, 2008).

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