Thursday, May 14, 2015

Creating Wellness for Personal Application


To achieve lasting holistic health and boost human flourishing to help with the development of health, happiness, wholeness we need to follow three simple steps. If we follow the simple theory of cause-and-effect we can eliminate suffering from our lives. 

The first step is to find and remove unnecessary obstacles, such as confusions, anger, stress, and other energy burning activities and feelings.

The second step is to gradually train your brain away from mental negativity and chattering. Replace it with mindfulness, living-kindness, and positive thinking.

The third step is to use different techniques to develop consciousness, inner calmness, wisdom, and an open heart.

I am applying these steps daily for many years now. I find myself healthier, happier, and the negative people around me are also changing. I am still working on my development because it is a never ending journey into the inner-self. The deeper I dig into consciousness the more freedom, from this world, I get.
Personal Assessment

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