Thursday, May 14, 2015

Creating Wellness for Personal Application


To achieve lasting holistic health and boost human flourishing to help with the development of health, happiness, wholeness we need to follow three simple steps. If we follow the simple theory of cause-and-effect we can eliminate suffering from our lives. 

The first step is to find and remove unnecessary obstacles, such as confusions, anger, stress, and other energy burning activities and feelings.

The second step is to gradually train your brain away from mental negativity and chattering. Replace it with mindfulness, living-kindness, and positive thinking.

The third step is to use different techniques to develop consciousness, inner calmness, wisdom, and an open heart.

I am applying these steps daily for many years now. I find myself healthier, happier, and the negative people around me are also changing. I am still working on my development because it is a never ending journey into the inner-self. The deeper I dig into consciousness the more freedom, from this world, I get.
Personal Assessment

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Stress: Management and Prevention

People who don't manage stress well can have headaches, stomach pain, sleeping problems, illness, and depression. You can help manage stress by journaling, meditating, exercising, talking to others, or engaging in a hobby.
This paper will help you with resource list on exercises and assessments. Also, will help you to think and understand stress.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Multicultural Resources for Contemporary Diet and Nutrition. Part V


Contemporary Weight Loss Programs

  • The advertised results of weight-loss without diet and exercise should be very suspicious.  To lose weight and maintaining a healthy weight it is a lifestyle change that includes healthy eating, regular physical activity, and balancing the number of calories (Alakkam, 2013).

Multicultural Resources for Contemporary Diet and Nutrition. Part IV

The Organic Food Movement
  • Research shows a few differences between organic and conventional foods in the content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins or other nutrient measures.  Research stated that organic food has more phosphorous, higher levels of a type of antioxidant called phenols, and milk and chicken contained more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional products (Organic Not Necessarily Better for You, 2012).  Conventional food shows 30% higher on chemicals than organic food.

Multicultural Resources for Contemporary Diet and Nutrition. Part III

  • Religious or ethnic food pattern are strong influence in people diet.  Certain religions fallow rules of consumption of food and drinks.  Many religious people do not eat pork, drink alcohol, and practice fasting (Religion and Dietary Practices , 2013).  Ethnic food pattern can be beneficial for health or luck of nutrition, for example Hispanic food low on calcium, vitamin A, iron, and high in fat (Ethnic Food Patterns, 2011). 

Multicultural Resources for Contemporary Diet and Nutrition. Part II

Genetically Engineered Food

  • The agricultural biotechnology is a breeding techniques or artificial selection, where human decides which trait is desirable, and artificially increases the reproductive success of organisms with this trait (Biotechnology Frequntly Asked Questions, 2013).

Multicultural Resources for Contemporary Diet and Nutrition. Part I

Food Choices

  •  Social pressure influence our food choices, like festive, social occasions and family tradition always revolve around food (Social, 2013).  For example, culture and traditions that repeat at specific times, like Thanksgiving and Easter, often encourage us to eat more than we normally would.  Food has been a good way to show friendship and hospitality.  Other factors that influence food choices are psychological factors, which are based on feelings and emotions (Psychological , 2013).