Friday, March 27, 2015

Eating Well as You Age

As we age our bodies metabolism slows down, we start noticing that we have belly fat more than usual. At 40, maybe it is not a big deal and we keep continue to eat unhealthy, until some years later we realize that our knees hurts from exes body mass and we start to shop for bigger dress sizes. This article will help you to nourish your body, explain what healthy eating means, and what cause unhealthy diet.
This article is good for my future goal because healthy diet can help to slow aging process. By helping people to chose healthier food can prolong quality of life. 


The article can be found here: Eating Well as You Age   

How to Sleep Well as You Age

Sleeping is an important part of our lives and no matter how old you are sleeping is essential for your health. This article will help you to overcome age-related sleep problems and may prevent mental diseases. Tips in this article will help you to change some negative behaviors and will lead you to a good night rest.

For my professional goal the article is useful to me because I have to know why people after age of 50, have problem to sleep. To help them to change behavior and establish routines, tips in this article will be handy to me.

The article can be found here: How to Sleep Well as You Age  

Stress Symptomes, Signs, and Causes

We are always overlooking the firs signs of stress but when we get sick we are still wondering, how. Sometimes stress transforms into chronic illness that affect mental and emotional state of human-being. By recognizing symptoms, we can prevent dementia, Alzheimer's, depression, and even suicide. This article will help you to identify if  your body is stressed and provide information on how to manage stress also.

This article will be useful for my profession because I want to teach people how to recognize and manage stress before they enter into senior age. By introducing holistic approaches that help to reduce stress, to middle age people, will help them to experience better and more active senior's life.

The article you can find here: Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes

Thursday, March 26, 2015


As we mature, we are getting notice that we taking more medicine, seeing physician more often, or experiencing strange symptoms. Some confusion comes from not knowing how to inter into aging. We concentrating of preparing teenagers to inter into adult life, but when we become older adults we are struggling to understand the Gerotranscendence. Here, together we can help each other to research and discuss topics on healthy aging and create our Happy Golden Years!